Iris D. Tommelein
Interests: lean construction, supply-chain management, e-commerce,
engineering and management of project-based production systems, materials
management, construction processes, logistics and layout, information
Iris D. Tommelein is Professor of Engineering and Project Management,
in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of California, Berkeley, USA.
She teaches and conducts research to develop and advance the theory and principles
of project-based production management, applied to--but not limited to--the
Architecture-Engineering-Construction (AEC) industry, what is termed 'Lean Construction.'
Professor Tommelein is an expert on construction site layout and logistics,
as well as materials- and supply-chain management. Her work experience is in
commercial building- and industrial construction. Her research focuses on
enabling integrated owner-designer-builder teams to continuously improve their
process- and product development performance. Current research topics include
adaptive project leadership, design- and change management, and 'green'
life-cycle engineering. Much of her work builds on using IT to support
product and process design, planning, scheduling, simulation, and visualization
(such as the development and use of Building Information Models (BIM)).
Professor Tommelein directs the Project Production Systems Laboratory
(P2SL - p2sl.berkeley.edu)
at UC Berkeley. P2SL is a research laboratory
dedicated to developing and deploying knowledge and tools for project management,
as well as a learning lab for the Northern California construction industry.
She is an active participant in the International Group for Lean Construction
(IGLC - www.iglc.net)
and a Research Affiliate of the Lean Construction Institute
(LCI - www.leanconstruction.org).
She served on the Executive Committee of ASCE's
Technical Council on Computing and Information Technology (TCCIT) and
is a member of the Construction Research Council of the Construction Institute of ASCE.
She is the 2002 recipient of the Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Prize
awarded by ASCE "for her research on civil engineering
computing for managing project-based production systems in the
engineering-architecture-construction industry".
Professor Tommelein's education includes a 5-year Civil Engineer-Architect degree from the VUB (Belgium),
an MS (Construction Engineering & Management), an MS (Computer Science), as well
as a PhD (Civil Engineering) all from Stanford University (USA).
· Adaptive Project Leadership
· Supply Chain
Management & e-Commerce
- The Value Chain - Adding Value tot the Supply
Chain: Value Chain Mapping, Performance Assessment, and Improvement
- Improving Construction Supply Chain Performance
- Role of the Distributor in the Age of e-Commerce
· Materials
· Site Layout
· Integrated
Design, Planning, Scheduling, Simulation, and Visualization (nD CAD) of
Construction Processes
here to go to the publications page.
Fall 2015
- CE 268A Lean Construction Concepts and Methods
- CE 298 Construction Engineering and Management
Spring 2016
- CE 268B Lean Construction and Supply Chain
Other courses
taught at The University of California, Berkeley, CA (semester last taught)
- E 10 Engineering Design and Analysis (Fall 2011)
- CE 92 Introduction to Civil and Environmental
- CE 167 Engineering Project Management
- CE 169A Module 1: Web-Based Systems for
Engineering and Management
- CE 169B Module 2: Database Systems for Engineering
and Management
- CE 169C Module 3: Visualization and Simulation (Spring 2012)
- CE 298 Simulation of Lean Construction --
Research Seminar taught jointly with Glenn Ballard
- Lean Construction -- 2-day seminar offered through U.C. Extension's Berkeley
Summer Engineering Institute, taught jointly with Glenn Ballard (June 2006)
Courses taught at
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1989 to 1995
- CEE 432 Construction Engineering (Equipment and
- CEE 502 Artificial Intelligence Applications in
Civil Engineering
- CEE 536 Critical Path Methods
- CEE 538 Concrete Construction
- CEE 830 Construction Engineering and Management
Current Research Students (advisor or co-advisor with Prof. Glenn Ballard)
Paz Arroyo (PhD Student, E&PM)
Audrey Bascoul (PhD Student, E&PM)
Nigel Blampied (PhD Student, E&PM)
Adam Frandson (PhD Student, E&PM)
Eder Martinez (PhD Student, E&PM)
Thais da Costa Lago Alves (PhD
Fall 2005, EPM)
"Buffering Practices in HVAC Ductwork Supply Chains."
Roberto J. Arbulu
(M.Eng. Spring 2002, CE&M)
Current Position: Strategic
Project Solutions
Research: "Improving Construction Supply Chain Performance: Pipe
Supports and System Interfaces."
Chang-Sun (Kevin) Chin (M.Eng.
Spring 2005, EPM)
"Reducing Lead Times for Rebar Delivery"
Hyun Jeong (James) Choo
(PhD Spring 2003, CE&M)
Current Position:
CTO at Strategic
Project Solutions
View research poster on: Constraint-based
Work Package Scheduling
Jan A. Elfving
(PhD Fall 2003, E&PM)
Current Position:
Employee at Skanska and Lecturer at Helsinki University of
Dissertation Title: Exploration of Opportunities to Reduce Lead Times for
Engineered-To-Ordered Products.
Peter Feng (PhD
Spring 2009, E&PM)
Nuno Gil
(PhD Fall 2001, CE&M)
Current position:
Lecturer at the University of Manchester - Institute of Science and
Technology (UMIST)
Research: "Coordinating Specialists."
View research poster on: HVAC
Expediter: Process-Product Simulation to Support Design-Build Organizations
Farook Hamzeh (PhD
Summer 2010, E&PM)
Hyun Woo Lee (PhD Spring 2012, E&PM)
Colin Milberg
(PhD Fall 2006, E&PM)
"Tolerance Allocation in the AEC Supply Chain."
Kristen Parrish (PhD
Spring 2009, CEE Systems)
Research: "Management of Rebar Design & Detailing. "
Zofia Rybkowski
(PhD Summer 2010, E&PM)
" Target Costing in Design"
Carol Soares
(Graduate Student, E&PM)
Stan Tuholski (PhD
Spring 2009, CEE Systems)
Cynthia C.Y. Tsao
(PhD Fall 2005, E&PM)
Current position:
Lean Coordinator, Consigli, Boston, MA
Research: "Use of Work Structuring to Increase Performance of
Project-based Production Systems."
Technical Council
of Computer Practices
- Executive Committee 1995-99, Chair 1997-98
- Expert Systems and Artificial Intelligence
Committee, Member and EXCOM Representative, Past-chair
- Database and Information Management Committee,
Member and EXCOM Representative
- Construction Research Council, Member
- Constructability Committe, Member
- Research Affiliate, 2010-current
- Member of Board of Directors, 1997-2010
The Lean Construction Institute organizes educational
seminars and offers consulting services that promote the implementation of
lean construction practices. The aim of the Institute is to identify and
advance best practices and develop the theory for lean production as it
applies to the architecture/engineering/construction (AEC) industry.
The Seventh Annual Conference of the International Group for
Lean Construction was held from 26 to 28 July 1999 in Berkeley, California.
Have a look at the Proceedings
IGLC-7. The proceedings of this 1999 conference and those of other
years are accessible through the main IGLC website.
Member of Board of Consultants
Editorial Advisory Board Member
LCJ is an
international refereed journal devoted to Lean Construction practice and
research. The primary objective is to stimulate a systematic rethinking of
the construction process both on and off-site by providing a forum for
disseminating knowledge and exchanging ideas between industry and academia.
LCJ publishes high-quality practical papers that report developments,
provoke new thinking and chronicle the history of Lean Construction in a
manner that is readily accessible to reflective practitioners and clients
of the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) Industry and AEC
students and faculty. LCJ publishes both basic and applied research papers
and reports on projects from practitioners, consultants and academics.
- ITCON—Information
Technologies in Construction, member of Editorial Board
This electronic journal
is distributed freely to anyone wishing to subscribe. The primary means of
distribution is the World Wide Web. This journal has been endorsed by and
is the host journal of CIB-78, a working group of the CIB
(International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and
Construction). It is sponsored by the Swedish Council for Building Research.
- 2012
- 20th Annual Conference of
the International Group for Lean Construction, (IGLC-20), San Diego,
California, Ken Walsh (Chair) and Iris Tommelein &Christine
Pasquire (Technical Chairs) and International Advisory Board Member.
Organized by the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC).
- 2007
- 2006
- 2005
- 2004
- 2003
- 2002
- 3rd
International Conference on Concurrent Engineering in Construction
(CEC02), here, in Berkeley, this summer from 1-3 July 2002.
- 10th Annual
Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction,
(IGLC-10), August 6-8, 2002, Gramado-RS, Brazil, International
Advisory Board Member. Organized by the International Group for Lean
Construction (IGLC).
- ISARC 2002: 19th International
Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, 23-25
September 2002, Washington, D.C., organized by NIST.
- 2001
- 9th Annual Conference of
the International Group for Lean Construction, (IGLC-9), Singapore,
International Advisory Board Member. Organized by the International
Group for Lean Construction (IGLC).
- Sixth International
Conference on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil and
Structural Engineering
AND Eigth International Conference on Civil and Structural
Engineering Computing, Eisenstand-Vienna, Austria, 19-21
September 2001, Editorial Board Member.
- 2000
- 8th
Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction
(IGLC-8), July 17-19, 2000, Brighton, U.K., Advisory Board Member.
Organized by the International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC).
- 8th International
Conference of Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, VIII-ICCCBE, August
14-17, 2000, Stanford University, CA, USA.
- ISARC 2000, 17th
International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction,
September 18-20, 2000 in Taipei, Taiwan, Member of International
Program Committee. Organized by the International Association for
Automation and Robotics in Construction (IAARC).
- 1999
- PhD, Civil Engineering (Construction Engineering
and Management), Stanford
University, 1989
- M.S., Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence), Stanford University,
- M.S., Civil Engineering (Construction Engineering
and Management), Stanford
University, 1985
- Civil Engineer-Architect (5 year degree), Free University Brussels (Vrije
Universiteit Brussel), Brussels,
Belgium, 1984
| Prof. Iris D. Tommelein
| Project Production Systems Laboratory
(P2SL) | Engineering
and Project Management (E&PM) Program | Civil & Environmental Engineering
Department | U.C. Berkeley |
E&PM Program /
IDT / 3 DEC 2015