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Research in Lean Construction


A group of graduate student researchers meet regularly with Professors Tommelein and Ballard to discuss ongoing research into lean construction. We maintain a password-protected website at Lean Construction Group.

Current research topics include:


Learning about Lean Construction


What is Lean Construction?

The objective of lean construction is to better meet customer demands and dramatically improve the Architecture/Engineering/Construction (AEC) process as well as product.

Lean construction embraces new principles and methods for product development and production management specifically tailored to the AEC industry. It advocates the simultaneous consideration of product and process development, using concurrent engineering tools among others.

Lean construction principles include:

Lean construction principles and methods are akin to those defining lean production that proved to be so successful in manufacturing (see for instance The Machine that Changed the World by Womack, Jones, and Roos (1991) and Lean Thinking by Womack and Jones (1996)).


Lean Construction Glossary

Confused about terms? Click here to view our glossary.


Lean Construction Courses at U.C. Berkeley

Courses in lean construction are offered by Professors Iris D. Tommelein and Glenn Ballard, who teach in the Construction Engineering and Management Program at the University of California, Berkeley. We have adapted our course materials so the classes form a sequel. Not all we teach pertains specifically to lean construction; a number of concepts, tools, and techniques belong to the more mainstream teaching materials on construction management, and on production and operations engineering. Nonetheless, we convey as much as we know about lean construction and learn as we go along. Consider taking a semester-long course:

or enroll for an independent study (available for undergrads, masters, as well as PhD students).

If you'd like to get started on reading, visit the lean construction reader compiled by the Lean Construction Institute. rainbowline

Other Courses on Lean Construction

Practitioners can learn about lean construction by participating in day-long workshops offered by the Lean Construction Institute.


Parade of Trades Game

Click here for a free download of our Parade of Trades Game, implemented on the computer by doctoral candidate Hyun Jeong Choo, and a brief description of the game's purpose and use.


| Prof. Iris D. Tommelein | CE&M Program | CEE Department | U.C. Berkeley | Lean Construction Institute |

Lean Construction / IDT / 1 April 2002