Teaching > CE153 > Homework

Assignment 1
The objective of this assignment is to understand the many factors affecting aircraft selection, flight feasibility, and aircraft performance.
Students will be able to determine required runway lengths, cargo loads and passenger loads. Students will gain knowledge of how factors affect aircraft performance as well as the ability to analyze graphs regarding to aircraft performance.
Assignment 2
The objective of this assignment is to understand the role wind plays in airport design and operations.
Students will be able to obtain wind data from the National Climate Data Center, apply FAA software to analyze wind coverage, and optimize runway placement to maximize wind coverage
Assignment 3
The objectives of this assignment are to think critically about factors involved in runway capacity and to utilize runway information to determine the suitability of an airport for operations.
Students will be able to calculate arrival capacity, departure capacity, and various runway measurements.
Assignment 4
The objectives of this assignment are to organize observations and experiences about the class trip to a nearby airport and about the airport operations.
The students will learn about many facets of airport operations including the airside, landside, and airline sectors.
Assignment 5
The objective of this assignment is to understand the importance of check-in operations.
Students will be able to optimize check-in counter space while minimizing delay under FAA guidelines for check-in counter design.
More information about the homework assignments can be found on the bSpace course website. Only registered UC Berkeley students and faculty can fully access the bSpace website.
CE153 bSpace Website Fall 2011