Students and Collaborators
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Dr. Jasenka Rakas' Students and Collaborators
Research (selected)
University of California at Berkeley, College of Engineering
- William Haskel (2008-current); Ph.D., Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
- Brian Wolfman (2008- current); MS, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Vivek Ramamurthy (2008-current); Ph.D., Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research
- Matthieu Nahoum (2009), Visiting Scholar, Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile, France
- Allen Yao (2006-2008); Ph.D., Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Suzanne Akkoush (2006-2007); MS, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- William Wong (2006-2007); MS, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- You Zhang (2005-2007); Ph.D., Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Eric Liu (2005-2006); MS, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Gautam Gupta (2005-2008); Ph.D., Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Susong Yong (2007); MS, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Wanjira Jirajaruporn (2002-2003); Ph.D., Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Helen Yin (2002-2006); Ph.D., Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Tatjana Bolic (2002-2005); Ph.D., Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Grace Liu (2007-2008); MS, CEE, Engineering and Project Management Program
UC Berkeley Undergraduate Research Opportunities (URO)
- Fei Yu (2009), Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics; Research Topic: Current and Future Trends in Aircraft Sizing and Fleet Mix: Implications for Airport Design
- Freddie Barahona (2009), Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Research Topic: Spaceport Design and Operations: Exploration of Commercial Air Transportation
- Scott Payne (2009), Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Research Topic: Spaceport Design and Operations: Exploration of Commercial Air Transportation
- Daniel Chen (2009), Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Spaceport Design and Operations: Exploration of Commercial Air Transportation
- Yuan-Tse Lo (2009), Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Research Topic: The Impact of Convective Weather on National Airspace System (NAS) Performance: A Business Model for Aviation Infrastructure Investments
- Bona Bailey Bernard Niu (2009), Dept. of Statistics; Research Topic: The Impact of Convective Weather on National Airspace System (NAS) Performance: A Business Model for Aviation Infrastructure Investments
- Borhan Oskorouchi (2007), Dept. of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research; Research Topic: Airport Effectiveness Modeling
- Kevin Chang (2007), Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Research Topic: Analysis of New Large Aircraft Characteristics
- Renard Gamaliel (2007), Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Research Topic: Runway Incursions and Airport Safety
- Ian Nickolson (2006), Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Research Topic: Airport Capacity with New Large Aircraft
- Aleksandr Prodan, Daniel Guzman and Francisco Martin (2006), Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Research Topic: Airport Planning and Design: Searching for the Weakest Link.
Thesis Work (selected)
- Jean-Christophe Fann (2009), Université Libre de Bruxelles, Faculty of Applied Sciences; MS Thesis: "Multi-criteria Decision Making in Enhancing the Sustainability of Airport Developments"
- Gerasimos Skaltsas (2008), (Co-mentoring), National Technical University of Athens, School of Civil Engineering; MS Thesis: "Prediction Model for Controller-Pilot Miscommunication Messages"
- Sarah Yenson (2008), UC Berkeley Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering; MS Thesis: "Impacts of a Mixed Media Air Traffic Control Communication Environment on Aviation Efficiency"
- Tim Dulac (2008), UC Berkeley Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Dept. of City and Regional Planning; MS Thesis: "Increasing Terminal Capacity at San Francisco International Airport - Alternatives and Impacts on Land Use with a focus on Gate Sharing"
- Emily Berkeley (2006), UC Berkeley Civil and Environmental Engineering and Dept. of City and Regional Planning; MS Thesis: "Investigating Unscheduled Outages in National Airspace System Equipment"
Visiting Researchers from the Ecole Nationale de l'Aviation Civile - ENAC, Toulouse, France
- Matthieu Dupont (2009), MS Thesis: "Impact of New Aviation Vehicles on NextGen's Performance, Safety, and Environment"
- Aurélien Vidal (2009), MS Thesis: "The Impact of Convective Weather on National Airspace System (NAS) Performance"
- Valentine Calloud (2007), MS Thesis: "Airline On-time Performances Using PDARS and Design of Gate Layout Configurations"
- Arnoud Boubert, (2007), MS Thesis: "Statistical Analysis of On-Time Performance using PDARS - Case Study : San Francisco International Airport"
- Benjamin Messika (2007), MS Thesis: "Aggregate and Disaggregate Modeling of Airport Operations with Localizer Outages: Analysis of Runway Configuration Transitions and Traffic Redistributions"
- Florian Poirier (2007), MS Thesis: "Impact of Aircraft Sizing and Fleet Mix Trends on Airport Design and Gate Modeling"
- Pierre-Hugues-Schimt (2003), MS Thesis: "Impact of September 11 Events on International Airport Investments"