Teaching > CE153 > Course Description

Lecture: TuTh 11am-12pm, 544 Davis Laboratory: Tu 2-5pm, 345 Davis Hall
Instructor: Dr. Jasenka Rakas
Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays: 12pm-2pm, and by appointment, 107B McLaughlin Hall
Phone: (510) 642-9064
Email: jrakas@ce.berkeley.edu
URL: http://faculty.ce.berkeley.edu/rakas/ and http://www.ce.berkeley.edu/faculty/faculty.php?id=1111
GSI: Aurelien Vidal Office Hours: TBD
116 McLaughlin Hall
Phone: (510) 642-5896 Email: aur.vidal@gmail.com
Course Textbook: De Neufville, R. and A. Odoni: Airport Systems - Planning, Design, and Management, McGraw-Hill, 2003 ISBN 0-07-138477-4
Course Websites:
1. Five homeworks
2. One midterm exam
3. One final exam
4. Final term project report
Course Syllabus Fall 2010