Music by los Hermanos Cucaro
Lyrics by Orlan Daniel and Ernesto Noli
Translated by Coby Lubliner
Cuando tú pasas caminando por las tardes repiqueteando yu taquito en la vereda marcas compases de cadencias melodiosas de una milonga juguetona y callejera. Y en tus vaivenes pareciera la bailaras, así te miren y te miren los que quieran porque tú llevas en tu cuerpo la arrogancia y el majestuoso ondular de las porteñas. Tardecita criolla, de limpido cielo bordado de nubes, llevas en tu pelo. Vinchita argentina que es todo tu orgullo. Y cuanto sol tienen esos ojos tuyos. Y los piropos que te dicen los muchachos como florcitas que a tu paso te ofrecieran Que las recoges y que enriedas en tu pelo junto a la vincha con que adornas tu cabeza. Dice tu cuerpo, tu arrogancia y tu cadencia y tus taquitos provocando en la vereda: “Soy el espíritu criollo hecho silueta” y te coronan la más guapa y más porteña. |
When you go walking on a Buenos Aires evening, And on the sidewalk your stiletto heels are tapping, Its like the sound of a melodious milonga, And in the street you mark the beat as if youre clapping. And as you walk it seems youre dancing to its rhythm And you dont care if there are men around you staring, For in your body theres the pride of the Porteña, And the Porteñas noble swaying in your bearing. Buenos Aires evening, sky thats barely clouded... In your hair youre wearing, where your curls are crowded, Argentine vinchita, proudest of possessions. Oh, theres so much sunshine in your eyes expression! And all the compliments that all the boys throw at you Are just like flowers that they give you as you tarry. You pick them up and in your hair they find their places, Next to the vincha that your head so proudly carries. For this is what your body and your pride are saying With your provocative stiletto beat around you: “I am the silhouette of the Criollo spirit,&rqquo; And the most beautiful Porteña theyll have crowned you. |
Translation © 2004 by Jacob Lubliner
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