Music by Roberto Fugazot
Lyrics by Alfredo Navarrine
Translation by Coby Lubliner
Viejo barrio de mi ensueño, el de ranchitos iguales, como a vos los vendavales a mi me azotó el dolor. Hoy te encuentro envejecido pero siempre tan risueño... Barrio lindo!... Y yo que soy?... Treinta años y mirá, mirá que viejo estoy! Mi barrio reo, mi viejo amor, oye el gorjeo, soy tu cantor. Escucha el ruego del ruiseñor, que hoy que está ciego canta mejor... Busqué fortuna y hallé un crisol: plata de luna y oro de sol... Calor de nido vengo a buscar, estoy rendido de tanto amar... Barrio reo, campo abierto de mis primeras andanzas, en mi libro de esperanzas sos la página mejor... Fuiste cuna y serás tumba de mis líricas tristezas... Vos le diste a tu cantor el alma de un zorzal que se murió de amor... |
My old barrio that I dream of, Little houses all together, As youve suffered stormy weather So great pain has lashed at me. Now I find you getting older But as always full of laughter... Barrio!... But what do I see?... Im thirty now and look, How old Ive come to be! My lowdown barrio, To you Im true. You hear that warble, I sing of you. And listen to the Nightingales trill, Now that hes blind he Sings better still... I looked for fortune And found this one: Silver of moonlight, Gold of the sun... Im looking for the Warmth of a nest, Im tired of loving, I need some rest... Lowdown barrio, youre the playground Where I had my first adventures. In my book of hopeful ventures Youre the page I like the best... Once the cradle, you will be the grave Of my sad, romantic verses... Yes, your singer you have blessed With the soul of a thrush Who died, by love distressed... |
Translation © 2004 by Jacob Lubliner
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