Todos los piratas tienen un temible bergantín,
con diez cañones por banda, y medio plano de un botín
que enterraron a la orilla de una playa en las Antillas.
Todos los piratas tienen un lorito que habla en francés,
al que relatan el glosario de una historia que no es
la que cuentan del corsario, ni tampoco lo contrario.
Por un quítame esas pajas te pasan por la quilla,
pero en el fondo son unos sentimentales,
que se graban en la piel a la reina del burdel,
y se la llevan puesta al recorrer los mares.
Marchando, una de piratas... Larga vida y gloria eterna.
Para hincarles de rodillas hay que romperles las piernas.
Todos los piratas tienen atropellos que aclarar,
deudas pendientes y asuntos de los que mejor no hablar.
Se beben la vida de un trago, y se ríen con descaro.
Hasta que un día, temblando en la popa de un velero,
la encuentran, y traicionando la ley del filibustero,
no reclaman el rescate y rehuyen el combate.
Cuando los piratas son hombres enamorados
de una piel que huele a jazmines, rompen promesas
con sus hermanos de ayer, y huyen al amanecer
rumbo a un puerto que aún no ha puesto
precio a su cabeza.
Marchando, una de piratas... Nadie doblegó su espada,
pero bastó una mujer hermosa para cortarles las alas.
No hay historia de piratas que tenga un final feliz:
ni ellos ni la censura lo podrían permitir.
Por la espalda, en una esquina, gente a sueldo los asesina.
Every pirate has a scary Sailing ship thats like a brig,
With ten cannon on each side, and Half a map to help them dig
Loot they buried on the dry land Of a Caribbean island.
Every pirate has a little Parrot that speaks French a lot
And they tell him the translation Of a story, which is not
Like the one about the beaver, But its not unlike it either.
They will make you walk the plank over any old trifle,
But in their hearts they are really very romantic:
They tattoo upon their skin Pictures of the brothel queen
Which they wear as they sail the Pacific and Atlantic.
Lets go, another pirate story... Long life, glory never-ending!
For their legs have to be broken Just to get their knees a-bending.
Every pirate has some cases On which no light has been shed,
Debts outstanding, and some matters That are better left unsaid.
They drink as if theres no hereafter, Live their lives with brazen laughter.
Till one day they find her, quaking, In the stern end of a sailing
Ship, and treacherously breaking Every pirate law prevailing,
They dont bother with the booty And they shirk their combat duty.
For when pirates fall in love with a skin that is
With the scent of jasmine upon it, they will forget their
Brothers until yesterday, And at dawn theyll run away
Somewhere that no price upon their
Heads has yet been set there.
Lets go, another pirate story... No ones ever bent their weapon,
But all it took was a lovely woman Just to give their wings a clipping.
Theres no pirate story ever That can finish happily:
Not the pirates, nor the censors, None of them could let that be.
In dark corners, from behind them, Hired killers come and find them.