Music and lyrics by Joan Manuel Serrat
Translation by Coby Lubliner

Seria fantàstic
que anés equivocat
i que el wàter no fos ocupat.
Que fes un bon dia
i que ens fes bon pes.
Que sant Pere, pagant, no cantés.

Seria fantàstic
que res no fos urgent.
No passar mai de llarg i servir per quelcom.
Anar per la vida sense compliments
anomenant les coses pel seu nom.
Cobrar en espècies i sentir-se ben tractat
i pixar-se de riure i fer volar coloms.

Seria tot un detall,
tot un símptoma d’urbanitat,
que no perdessin sempre els mateixos
i que heretessin els desheretats.

Seria fantàstic
que guanyés el millor
i que la força no fos la raó.
Que s’instal-lés al barri
el paradís terrenal.
Que la ciència fos neutral.

Seria fantàstic
no passar per l’embut.
Que tot fos com és manat i ningú no manés.
Que arribés el dia del sentit comú.
Trobar-se com a casa a tot arreu.
Poder badar sense córrer perill.
Seria fantàstic que tots fóssim fills de Déu.

Seria tot un detall
i tot un gest, per la teva part,
que coincidíssim, et deixessis convèncer
i fossis tal com jo t’he imaginat.
It would be fantastic
If I’d been simply wrong
And if the toilet’s been free all along.
If the day were nice and
Things were rightly weighed.
If the piper would not play, though paid.

It would be fantastic
If life were not so tense.
If we were of some use and never just passed by.
If we went through life and not paid compliments
But called things by their name, or at least tried,
And charged in kind and felt that we were treated well,
And laughed until we peed and let our fancies fly.

It would be such a nice thing,
Such a symptom of a world that cares,
If the same ones weren’t always the losers
And if the disenherited got theirs.

It would be fantastic
If the best one would win
And “might makes right” weren’t the only way in.
If heaven on earth would come to
Be right in the neighborhood.
If science worked for the common good.

It would be fantastic
If wealth were not at play.
If all were as it should be and no one marked the pace.
If the time of common sense were here to stay.
If we felt right at home in every place.
If we could get distracted with no risk.
Fantastic if God’s children were the whole human race.

It would be such a nice thing
And such a gesture showing you’re kind,
If we connected, and you let me convince you
And you were just as you’ve been in my mind.

Translation © 2004 by Jacob Lubliner

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