Music and lyrics by Joan Manuel Serrat
Translation by Coby Lubliner
Saps, el gerani ha florit a casa meva. Saps, saps que cada matí lamor es lleva. Saps, les llàgrimes, el temps les arrossega. Saps, després de lhivern neix la primavera. Saps, sha perdut la teva olor i no recordo ni el color daquells ulls que tant em varen mirar... Quan el meu cos lligaves amb les teves mans i jo era un infant. Quan en sentir-te a prop en arribar la nit em feia petit. Saps, ja torno a riure amb qualsevol cosa. Saps, avui els teus records no em fan cap nosa. Saps, sha perdut la teva olor i no recordo ni el color daquells ulls que tant em varen mirar... Quan el meu cos lligaves amb les teves mans i jo era un infant. Quan en sentir-te a prop en arribar la nit em feia petit. |
Yknow, Geraniums have bloomed In this house of mine. Yknow, Yknow that every day Love rises and shines. Yknow, Time drags away the tears We shed when we mourn. Yknow, Whenever winter ends A new spring is born. Yknow, I have lost the smell of you And dont recall the very hue Of those eyes That looked at me so often... When my body so tightly by your hands was tied And I was like a child. When I felt you so close as the nighttime would fall I made myself small. Yknow, Now I laugh again At any old thing. Yknow, The memory of you No longers hurting. Yknow, I have lost the smell of you And dont recall the very hue Of those eyes That looked at me so often... When my body so tightly by your hands was tied And I was like a child. When I felt you so close as the nighttime would fall I made myself small. |
Translation © 2004 by Jacob Lubliner
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