Lyrics and music by Joan Manuel Serrat
Translation by Coby Lubliner

Que en passa de depressa el temps!
No es pot anar carregat si es vol fer via.
La vida és cosa de valents.
Que tot plegat són quatre dies
i el temps no deixa gaire temps.

Passa de pressa, com se m’ha passat
de moda aquella americana blanca
que encara no havia estrenat
i ensenya, el malparit, la trampa
tot just el joc ja s’ha acabat.

Això s’estàensorrant. Afanya’t i vine.
Et truco d’una cabina,
l’única que funciona a la ciutat.
Deixa-ho córrer tot. Surt de la petxina
i afanya’t, que farem tard.

Ens hem de desempallegar
dels costums que mantenim i no ens agraden,
dels desamors que hem de purgar,
de les vergonyes amagades
que ni mengen ni deixen menjar.

Amb els diplomes i els ressentiments
calar foc al bagul de les disfresses.
Escampar les cendres al vent
i rescatar les infanteses
finades prematurament.

Això s’està ensorrant. Afanya’t i vine.
Et truco d’una cabina,
l’única que funciona a la ciutat.
Deixa-ho córrer tot. Surt de la petxina
i afanya’t, que farem tard.

Now time is going by so fast!
You can’t go loaded if you want to hurry.
You must be brave to make it past.
For life is just a few days’ worry,
And time just doesn’t seem to last.

It goes by quickly, just as things have gone,
Gone out of style, like that brand-new white jacket
That I never got to put on.
The trickster then tells us to pack it
As soon as the cards have been drawn.

This is all tumbling down, so come and quit stalling.
Yes, it’s you that I’m calling
From the only working phone booth in this state.
Get out of your shell. Let it all go falling,
And hurry, or we’ll be late.

The time has come to rid us of
The things that we don’t like but keep as habits,
Embarrassing endings of love,
The shameful things that hide like rabbits,
But that pinch from below and above.

With our diplomas and resentments, too,
Let's set on fire the trunk full of disguises.
Into the wind the ashes we’ll strew
And let's bring back, in grownup sizes,
The childhoods that ended too soon.

This is all tumbling down, so come and quit stalling.
Yes, it’s you that I’m calling
From the only working phone booth in this state.
Get out of your shell. Let it all go falling,
And hurry, or we’ll be late.

Translation © 2008 by Jacob Lubliner

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