Three sonnets in Catalan (with Spanish and French translations) by Josep Janés
Music by Federico Mompou
English translations by Coby Lubliner


Damunt de tu només les flors.
Eren com una ofrena blanca:
la llum que daven al teu cos
mai més seria de la branca.

Tota una vida de perfum
amb el seu bes t’era donada.
Tu resplendies de la llum
per l’esguard clos atresorada.

Si hagués pogut ésser sospir
de flor! Donar-me com un llir
a tu, perquè la meva vida
s’anés marcint sobre el teu pit.
I no saber mai més la nit
que al teu costat fóra esvaïda.


Aquesta nit un mateix vent
i una mateixa vela encesa
devien dû el teu pensament
i el meu per mars on la tendresa

es torna música i cristall.
El bes se’ns feia transparència,
si tu eres l’aigua, jo el mirall,
com si abracéssim una absència.

El nostre cel fóra, potser,
un somni etern aixís de besos
fets melodia i un no ser
de cossos junts i d’ulls encesos
amb flames blanques i un sospir
d’acariciar sedes de llir.


Jo et pressentia com la mar
i com el vent, immensa, lliure,
alta damunt de tot atzar
i tot destí.
                 I en el meu viure

com el respir.
                       I ara que et tinc
veig com el somni et limitava.
Tu no ets un nom ni un gest.
                                               No vinc
a tu com a l’imatge blava

d’un somni humà.
                                   Tu no ets la mar
que és presonera dins de platges,
tu no ets el vent pres en l’espai.
Tu no tens límits; no hi ha, encar,
mots per a dir-te, ni paisatges
per sê el teu món, ni seran mai.


Lying upon you, like a white
Offering, there were flowers only.
From them your body drew the light,
Without them now the branch was lonely.

And as they gave their kiss to you,
Their life of fragrance was sent flowing.
From your closed eyes the light shone through:
You were resplendent, you were glowing.

Could I but be a flower’s sigh
And, like a lily, give you my
own self, so that my very being
Would fade away upon your breast
And never need again the rest
Of night, that from your side is fleeing.


Last night, the same wind of the day,
And the same sail, alive and burning,
Were there to take our thoughts away
On seas where tenderness and yearning

Turn into music, into glass.
Our kiss became transparency,
And our embrace an emptiness.
I was the mirror, you the sea.

Our private heaven might inspire
A dream of kisses, never-ending,
Turned into song; of eyes on fire
With white flames, and of bodies blending;
A sigh, from disembodied breast,
Of lily’s silk as it’s caressed.


I had foreseen you like the sea
And like the wind, immense and giving,
High above chance and ever free
Of common fate.
                             And like a living

Breath in my life.
                             Now that you’re mine
I see my dream had set you limits.
You are no name, no sign.
                                           I come
To you not as to the blue image

Of human dreams.
                              You aren’t the sea,
which is imprisoned among beaches,
You aren’t the wind, confined by air.
You have no bounds. No words are there
To tell of you, no land that reaches
Your world, nor will there ever be.

Translation © 1999 by Jacob Lubliner

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