Historical Links to People in Mechanics

Cauchy: A very short description of Cauchy's achievements in mechanics and a picture of him. A more complete description of his life and his contributions to mathematics.
Lagrange: A short biography of Lagrange and a description of his contribution to mechanics and mathematics.
Euler: A short biography of Euler and a description of his contribution to mechanics and mathematics.
The Bernoulli Family: The Bernoulli family produced some of the greatest mathematicians of their time and contributed greatly to the then body of knowledge in mechanics. A short biography of Jacob Bernoulli . He made some the first computations on the deflections of beams; albeit incorrect since he assumed the lower chord as the point of rotation of the cross-section (instead of the neutral axis). A short biography of Johann Bernoulli . He in many ways is the father of the principle of virtual displacements. A short biography of Daniel Bernoulli . He worked extensively on strength of materials and was the person that got Euler interested in looking at the problem of the deflection of beam by posing it as a variational problem.
Hooke: A short biography of Hooke and a description of his contribution to mechanics and mathematics.
Zaremba: A short biography of Zaremba and a description of his contribution to mechanics and mathematics.
Airy: A short biography of Airy and a description of his contribution to mechanics and mathematics. A bit more on Airy.
Saint-Venant: A very short biography of Saint-Venant and a description of his contribution to mechanics and mathematics.
Fourier: A short biography of Fourier and a description of his contribution to mathematics. He did not work directly on mechanics.