Making movies and animations from FEAP
If you want to make movies using FEAP one can make the following
modifications to the program.
One needs to add two subrouines to $FEAPHOME8_3/unix/x11u.c to create graphics files.
xpmdump_( ) for XPM files which is a x-windows dump format and
jpgdump_( ) for lossless JPG files. Just copy the listings
from the links and stick it at the end of x11u.c.
To call the new programs, one can set up a UMACro file.
[For XPMDump and JPGDump]
The function of the UMACro files is to make a copy of the current plot
window's contents (which can be closed or partially covered) and
output it to a file with the
name FeapXXXXX.xpm or FeapXXXXX.jpg, where XXXXX is a sequentially
increasing number from 00001 up to a maximum of 99999.
The program looks to see if there are existing
files and starts numbering
after any current files (though if you have a gap in current file numbers
it will start at the first missing
file number and clobber those after the gap).
To create an image file just call (from the Macro prompt):
  Macro> XPMD
  Macro> JPGD
To get the files of a movie you can put this command inside a time stepping loop, for example, which
contains you plotting commands. Here is an example input file
with such a set up in the batch commands.
To stich the image files into a movie one needs movie software such as iMovie
or any of a number of available
packages. The program called ffmepg is available for
free for the Mac (via fink) and for Linux (via a standard rpm package); similar or likely
better programs are probably available for windows. In Linux or the Mac, one can for example
run the command:
  ffmpeg -r 10 -sameq -i Feap%05d.jpg outmovie.mp4
This will make a movie with 10 frames per second (can be adjusted as
needed), with movie
frames having the same quality as the input jpgs, the '%05d' is expanded by
ffmpeg to a sequence of
integers with 5 digits, and the output will be an MPEG4 movie. ffmpeg has
many many options to control
the quality of the output as well as the file format etc.
For this modification to x11u.c to work you will need to change your loader options
to include the jpeg library.
  LDOPTIONS = -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -ljpeg -lm
This a free and usually installed library. If one only uses the XPM dump
then this library is not needed.