subroutine umatl1(eps,theta,td,d,ud,hn,h1,nh,ii,istrt, sig,dd,isw) c-----[--.----+----.----+----.-----------------------------------------] c Modification log Date (dd/mm/year) c Original version 01/11/2006 c-----[--.----+----.----+----.-----------------------------------------] c Purpose: User Constitutive Model: Microsphere model of rubber c elasticity (C. Miehe, S. Goektepe, F. Lulei, 2003) c Input: c eps(3,3)- Deformation gradient at point (finite deformation) c theta - Determinant of deforamtion gradient c td - Temperature change c d(*) - Program material parameters (ndd) c ud(*) - User material parameters (nud) c hn(nh) - History terms at point: t_n c h1(nh) - History terms at point: t_n+1 c nh - Number of history terms c ii - Current point number c istrt - Start state: 0 = elastic; 1 = last solution c isw - Solution option from element c Output: c sig(*) - Stresses at point. c N.B. 1-d models use only sig(1) c dd(6,*) - Current material tangent moduli c N.B. 1-d models use only dd(1,1) and dd(2,1) c-----[--.----+----.----+----.-----------------------------------------] implicit none integer nh,istrt,isw, ii,i,j real*8 td,fb(3,3),eps(3,3) real*8 theta,d(*),ud(6),hn(nh),h1(nh),sig(6),dd(6,6) c Compute and output stress (sig) and moduli (dd) call pzero(fb,9) do i = 1,3 do j = 1,3 fb(i,j) = (theta**(-1./3.))*eps(i,j) end do end do call microsphere(ud,fb,theta,sig,dd) end