Jacob Lubliner
A. Refereed Publications
Archival Journals
1. "Cylindrical wave in a viscoelastic solid," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 34, pp. 1706-1710, 1962.
2. "A generalized theory of strain-rate-dependent plastic wave propagation in bars," Journal of the mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 12, pp. 59- 65, 1964.
3. "The strain-rate effect in plastic wave propagation," Journal de Mécanique, Vol. 4, pp. 111-120, 1965.
4. "On ageing viscoelastic materials" (with J. L. Sackman), Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of solids, Vol. 14, pp. 25-32, 1966.
5. "A reciprocal theorem for an aging viscoelastic body" (with J. L. Sackman), Journal of the franklin Institute, Vol. 282, pp. 161-170, 1966.
6. "Rheological models for time-variable materials," Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 4, pp. 287-291, 1966.
7. "On the calculation of acceleration waves in viscoelastic materials," Journal de Mécanique, Vol. 6, pp. 243-250, 1967.
8. "On uniqueness in general linear viscoelasticity" (with J. L. Sackman), Quarterly of Applied mathematics, Vol. 25, pp. 129-138, 1967.
9. "Short-time approximations in nonlinear viscoelasticity," International Journal of Solids and structures, Vol. 3, pp. 513-520, 1967.
10. "Wave propagation in semilinear viscoelastic materials" (with G. A. Secor), International journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 5, pp. 755-774, October 1967.
11. "On fading memory in materials of evolutionary type," Acta Mechanica, Vol. 8, pp. 75-81, 1969.
12. "Some wave-propagation problems in plastic-viscoplastic materials" (with M. Valathur), International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 5, pp. 1275-1298, 1969.
13. "Shock-wave propagation in instantaneously non-linear materials" (with R. J. Green), Journal de mécanique, Vol. 9, pp. 509-522, 1970.
14. "Model for bend propagation in flagella" (with J. J. Blum), Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 31, pp. 1-24, 1971.
15. "On the initiation and propagation of bending wave in cilia and flagella" (with J. J. Blum), Journal of Mechano-Chemistry and Cell Motility, Vol. 1, pp. 15-22, 1971.
16. "Model of flagellar waves" (with J. J. Blum), Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 34, pp. 515- 534, 1972.
17. "On the thermodynamic foundations of non-linear solid mechanics," International Journal of non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 7, pp. 237-254, 1972.
18. "Perturbation solutions for wave propagation in nonlinearly elastic rods" (with Y. Benveniste), International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 8, pp. 1115-1138, 1972.
19. "Analysis of form and speed of flagellar wave according to a sliding-filament model" (with J. J. blum), Journal of Mechano-Chemistry and Cell Motility, Vol. 1, pp. 157-167, 1972.
20. "On the structure of the rate equations of materials with internal variables," Acta Mechanica, vol. 17, pp. 109-119, 1973.
21. "On the one-dimensional theory of blood flow in the larger vessels" (with T.J.R. Hughes), Mathematical Biosciences, Vol. 18, pp. 161-170, 1973.
22. "An analysis of interfilament shear in flagella," Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 41, pp. 119- 125, 1973.
23. "Biophysics of flagellar motility" (with J. J. Blum), Annual Review of Biophysics and bioengineering, Vol. 2, pp. 181-219, 1973.
24. "A simple theory of plasticity," International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 10, pp. 313-319, 1974.
25. "Non-smooth dissipation functions and yield criteria," Acta Mechanica, Vol. 22, pp. 289-293, 1975.
26. "On loading, yield and quasi-yield hypersurfaces in plasticity theory," International Journal of solids and Structures, Vol. 11, pp. 1011-1016, 1975.
27. "Analysis of bend initiation in cilia according to a sliding-filament model" (with J. J. Blum), Journal of Theoretical Biology, Vol. 69, pp. 87-99, 1977.
28. "A thermodynamic yield criterion in viscoplasticity," Acta Mechanica, Vol. 30, pp. 165-174, 1978.
29. "An axiomatic model of rate-independent plasticity," International Journal of Solids and structures, Vol. 16, pp. 709-713, 1980.
30. "A model of audio-frequency vibration of building," Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 68, pp. 335-340, 1980.
31. "On thermodynamic yield criteria," Acta Mechanica, Vol. 37, pp. 259-263, 1980.
32. "The effect of column mass on shear-building vibrations," Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 8, pp. 389-395, 1980.
33. "Stressed mirror polishing. 1: A technique for producing nonaxisymmetric mirrors" (with J. E. nelson), Applied Optics, Vol. 19, pp. 2332-2340, 1980.
34. "Stressed mirror polishing. 2: Fabrication of an off-axis section of a paraboloid" (with J. E. Nelson, G. Gabor, L. K. Hunt & T. S. Mast), Applied Optics, Vol. 19, pp. 2341-2352, 1980.
35. "Inertia in simple body models," Mechanics Research Communications, Vol. 10, pp. 1-7, 1983.
36. "Inertia in simple dipolar continua," Mechanics Research Communications, Vol. 10, pp. 273-278, 1983.
37. "A maximum-dissipation principle in generalized plasticity," Acta Mechanica, Vol. 52, pp. 225-237, 1984.
38. "On the existence of equations of evolution," International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 7, pp. 409-411, 1984.
39. "Generalized inertia in constrained body models," Mechanics Research Communications, Vol. 11, pp. 309-315, 1984.
40. "A model of rubber viscoelasticity," Mechanics Research Communications, Vol. 12, pp. 93-99, 1985.
41. "Acceleration waves in generalized elastic-plastic continua," Acta Mechanica, Vol. 58, pp. 193-200, 1986.
42. "Effect of stress on the irreversible expansion of concrete" (with P. J. M. Monteiro), Cement and Concrete Research, Vol. 16, pp. 119-120, 1986.
43. "Normality rules in large-deformation plasticity," Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 5, pp. 29-34, 1986.
44. "The method of virtual power and a simple multipolar rod model," Archives of Mechanics, Vol. 38, pp. 3-12, 1986.
45. "On uniqueness of solutions in generalized plasticity at infinitesimal deformation," International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 23, pp. 261-266, 1987.
46. "A constitutive model of concrete based on the incremental theory of plasticity" (with E. Oñate, s. Oller, J. Oliver), Engineering Computations, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1988.
47. "Un modelo de daño plástico para materiales friccionales, Parte I: variables fundamentales, funciones de fluencia y potencial" (with S. Oller, J. Oliver, and E. Oñate), Revista Internacional de métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería, vol. 4, 1988, pp. 397-431.
48. "Un modelo de daño plástico para materiales friccionales, Parte II: generalización para procesos con degradación de rigdez, ejemplos" (with S. Oller, J. Oliver, and E. Oñate), Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería, vol. 4, 1988, pp. 433-461.
49. "Effect of ice formation on the elastic moduli of cement and mortar" (with J.A. Wang and P. J. m. Monteiro), Cement and Concrete Research, vol. 18, 1988, pp. 874-885.
50. "A plastic-damage model for concrete" (with S. Oller, E. Oñate, and J. Oliver), International journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 25, 1989, pp. 299-326.
51. "A generalized continuum theory for concrete" (with P.J.M. Monteiro), Cement and Concrete research, vol. 19, 1989, pp. 929-938.
52. "Finite element nonlinear analysis of concrete structures using a plastic-damage model" (with s. Oller, E. Oñate and J. Oliver), Engineering Fracture Mechanics, vol. 35, no. 1/2/3, 1990, pp. 219-231.
53. "A simple model of generalized plasticity," International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 28, pp. 769-778, 1991.
54. "A numerical solution for the coupled quasi-static linear thermoelastic problem" (with N. A. kasti and R. L. Taylor), Journal of Thermal Stresses, vol. 14, pp. 333-349, 1991.
55. "The modified Kuhn model of linear viscoelasticity" (with V. P. Panoskaltsis), International journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 29, pp. 3099-3112, 1992.
56. "A new model of generalized plasticity and its numerical implementation" (with R. L. Taylor and f. Auricchio), International Journal of Solids and Structures, vol. 30, pp. 3171-3184, 1993.
57. "Method of virtual power applied to Cosserat surfaces with deformable directors" (with B. K. alves), Applied Mechanics Reviews, vol. 46, pp. S266-S278, 1993.
58. "A damage mechanics model for beams" (with B. K. Alves), European Journal of Mechanics a/Solid, vol. 13, pp. 189-213, 1994.
59. "Generalized plasticity and shape-memory alloys" (with F. Auricchio), International Journal of solids and Structures, vol. 33, pp. 991-1003, 1996.
60. "A homogeneous constitutive model for masonry" (with J. López, S. Oller and E. Oñate), International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 46, pp. 1651-1671, 1999.
61. "Definition of a general implicit orthotropic yield criterion" (with S. Oller and E. Car), Computer methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 192, pp. 895-912, 2003.
Conference and Symposium Proceedings
1. "Plasticity and ultimate strength of concrete," Physical Non-Linearities in Structural Analysis (IUTAM Symposium, Senlis, France, 1980), eds. J. Hult and J. Lemaitre, pp. 160-164, springer-Verlag (Berlin-Heidelberg), 1981.
2. "Telescope mirror supports: plate deflections on point supports" (with J. E. Nelson and T. S. Mast), Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Technology Optical Telescopes (Tucson, Arizona, 1982), ed. G. Burbidge, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Vol. 332, 1982.
3. "Non-isothermal generalized plasticity," Thermomechanical Coupling in Solids (IUTAM symposium, Paris, 1986), eds. H. D. Bui and Q. S. Nguyen, pp. 121-133, Elsevier (Amsterdam), 1987.
4. "A constitutive model for cracking of concrete based on the incremental theory of plasticity" (with e. Onate, S. Oller, and J. Oliver), International Conference on Computational Plasticity (Barcelona, 1987), ed. E. Onate, pp. 1311-1329, Pineridge Press, 1987.
5. "A fully elastoplastic constitutive model for non-linear analysis of concrete" (with E. Onate, S. oller, and J. Oliver), Second International Conference on Advances in Numerical Methods in engineering Theory & Applications (Swansea, 1987), Cambridge University Press, 1987.
6. "A constitutive model for cracking of concrete based on the incremental theory of plasticity" (with e. Oñate, S. Oller, J. Oliver), Int. Conf. on Computational Plasticity, Barcelona, 1987, pp. 1311-1327, Pineridge Press, Swansea.
7. "Finite-element non-linear analysis of concrete structures using a `plastic-damage' model" (with S. oller, E. Oñate, and J. Oliver), International Conference on Fracture and Damage of Concrete rock, Vienna, 1988.
8. "Un modelo de daño plástico con degradación para el análisis no lineal de estructuras de hormigón" (with S. Oller, J. Oliver, and E. Oñate), Congreso de Mecánica Computacional `MECOM', Córdoba, Argentina, 1988.
9. "Some simple models of generalized plasticity," Plasticity '89, 2nd International Symposium on plasticity and Its Current Applications, Tsu, Mie, Japan, 1989, pp. 637-641.
10. "On the application of internal-variable models to some practical problems in solid mechanics," advances in Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials, International Conference on Constitutive laws for Engineering Materials, Chongqing, China, 1989, Vol. 1, pp. 101-105, International academic Publishers, 1989.
11. "Isotropic damage models and smeared crack analysis of concrete" (with J. Oliver, M. Cervera, and S. Oller), 2nd International Conference on Computer-Aided Analysis and Design of Concrete structures, Zell am See, Austria, 1990.
12. "A viscoelastic-plastic-damage model for concrete (with V. Panoskaltsis and P.J.M. Monteiro), Constitutive Laws for Engineering Materials (3rd Int. Conf. on Constitutive Laws for Engineering materials, Tucson, 1991) ed. C.S. Desai et al., pp. 317-321, ASME Press, 1991.
13. "Integration algorithm for frictional materials including plasticity, damage and rate effects" (with V.P. Panoskaltsis), Anisotropy and Localization of Plastic Deformation, (Plasticity '91: 3rd international Symposium on Plasticity and Its Current Applications, Grenoble, France, 1991), eds. j.P. Boehler and A.S. Khan, pp. 651-654, Elsevier Applied Science, 1991.
14. "Application of a Return Map Algorithm to Plasticity Models" (with F. Auricchio and R. L. taylor), Computational Plasticity: Fundamentals and Application (COMPLAS, Barcelona, 1992), eds. D. R. J. Owen and E. Oñate, p. 2229, CIMNE, 1992.
15. "Generalized Plasticity: Theory and Applications," Continuum Models and Discrete Systems (CMDS9: Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Continuum Models and Discrete Systems, Istanbul, 1998), eds. E. Inan and K. Z. Markov, pp. 470-482, World Scientific Publishing Co., 1998.
16. "Finite Element Analysis of Rate Dependence and Failure of concrete" (with V. P. Panoskaltsis, S. Bahuguna and K. D. Papoulia), proceedings of the European Conference on Computational Mechanics (Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering, Munich, 1999), ed. W. Wunderlich, 1999.
B. Nonrefereed Publications
Technical Reports
1. Surface Waves in a Viscoelastic Half-Space, Technical Report No. 9, Office of Naval Research contract Nonr 266(34) and Technical Report No. 24, ONR Contract Nonr 266(08), Institute of flight Structures, Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Columbia University, New York, April 1960.
2. Inertia Terms Associated with Small Motions of a Submerged Flexible Rectangular Cylinder, technical Report No. 30, ONR Contract Nonr 266(86), Institute of Flight Structures, Department of civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Columbia University, New York, November 1962.
3. On the Velocity-Gradient Dependence of the Kinetic Energy of a Continuum, Technical Report no. 15, ONR Contract Nonr 266(34), Institute of Flight Structures, Department of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Columbia University, New York, June 1963.
4. Effect of an Elastic Plate on the Acoustic Field of a Point Source, Technical Report No. 32, ONR contract Nonr 266(86), Institute of Flight Structures, Department of Civil Engineering and engineering Mechanics, Columbia University, New York, July 1963.
5. A Generalized Theory of Strain-Rate-Dependent Plastic Wave Propagation in Bars, Technical report No. 33, ONR Contract Nonr 266(86), Institute of Flight Structures, Department of Civil engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Columbia University, New York, August 1963.
6. Differential Constitutive Equations for Aging Viscoelastic Materials (with J. L. Sackman), report No. 65-9, Structural Engineering Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, August 1965.
7. Model Representation of Aging Viscoelastic Materials, Report No. 65-11, Structural Engineering laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, October 1965.
8. A Uniqueness Theorem for Aging Viscoelastic Bodies (with J. L. Sackman), Report No. 65-15, structural Engineering Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, December 1965.
9. On Reciprocity in General Linear Viscoelasticity (with J. L. Sackman), Report No. 65-16, structural Engineering Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, December 1965.
10. The Propagation of Shock Waves in Nonlinear Viscoelastic Materials (with G. A. Secor), report No. 66-11, Structural Engineering Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, September 1966.
11. The Propagation of Shock Waves in Semilinear Viscoelastic Materials (with G. A. Secor), report No. 66-12, Structural Engineering Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, September 1966.
12. Approximate Constitutive Equations for the Short-Time Behavior of Nonlinear Viscoelastic materials, Report No. 66-13, Structural Engineering Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, september 1966.
13. A Technique for the Calculation of Acceleration Waves in Nonlinear Viscoelastic Materials, report No. 66-14, Structural Engineering Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, September 1966.
14. A Study of the Thermodynamics of One-Dimensional Deformation of Nonlinear Materials characterized by Quasilinear Differential Constitutive Equations, Report No. 67-18, Structural engineering Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, September 1967.
15. Some Wave Propagation Problems in Plastic-Viscoplastic Materials (with M. Valathur), Report no. 68-10, Structural Engineering Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, September 1968.
16. A Fading-Memory Theorem for Materials with Internal Variables, Report No. 68-12, Structural engineering Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, September 1968.
17. The Propagation of Shock Waves in Materials with Nonlinear Instantaneous Response (with R. j. Green), Report No. 68-13, Structural Engineering Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, september 1968.
18. Stressed Mirror Polishing: A Technique for Producing Non-axisymmetric Mirrors (with J. E. nelson), Report No. 21, University of California Ten Meter Telescope, Lawrence Berkeley laboratory, Berkeley, November 1979.
19. Stressed Mirror Polishing: Fabrication of an Off-Axis Section of a Paraboloid (with J. E. nelson et al.), Report No. 22, University of California Ten Meter Telescope, Lawrence Berkeley laboratory, Berkeley, November 1979.
20. Conceptual Design of Telescope Structure, Technical Note No. 25, University of California Ten Meter Telescope, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, July 1980.
21. Preliminary Design of the Tube for the Ten Meter Telescope, Report No. 50, University of California Ten Meter Telescope, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, January 1981.
22. Deflections of a Circular Plate on a Ring of Point Supports, Technical Note No. 25, University of California Ten Meter Telescope, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, February 1982.
23. Deflections of a Simply Supported Variable-Thickness Plate, Technical Note No. 27, University of California Ten Meter Telescope, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, February 1982.
24. Telescope Mirror Supports: Plate Deflections on Point Supports (with J. E. Nelson and T. S. Mast), Report No. 74, University of California Ten Meter Telescope, Lawrence Berkeley laboratory, Berkeley, March 1982.
25. The Deflections of a Curved Beam: An Approximate Model for Radial Support Deflections" technical Note No. 47, University of California Ten Meter Telescope, Lawrence Berkeley laboratory, Berkeley, July 1982.
26. The Warping of Mirrors Due to Cutting After Polishing: Elementary Theory, Technical Note no. 48, University of California Ten Meter Telescope, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, july 1982.
27. Thermal Deflections of Circular Plates, Technical Note No. 49, University of California Ten meter Telescope, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, July 1982.
28. Stressed Mirror Polishing of Polygonal Plates, Report No. 87, University of California Ten Meter Telescope, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, December 1982.
29. Deflection of a Self-Loaded Circular Plate with a Concentric Hole on a Ring Support, Technical note No. 65, University of California Ten Meter Telescope, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, 1983.
30. An Existence and Uniqueness Theorem for the Cauchy Problem for an Inelastic Material with memory (with M. Ortiz), Report No. UCB/SESM-83/11, Department of Civil Engineering, university of California, Berkeley, December 1983.
31. The Effect of Glue Shear on the Thermal Deformations of Laminated Circular Plates," Keck observatory Technical Note No. 185, Berkeley, May 1986.
32. The Effect of a Radial Ring Force in a Blind Hole in a Large Plate," Keck Observatory technical Note No. 186, Berkeley, May 1986.
33. The Effect of the Thermal Expansion of an Invar Plug Glued to the Bottom of a Hole in a zerodur Plate," Keck Observatory Technical Note No. 199, Berkeley, August 1986.
34. Thermal Deflections of Multilayer Plates and Plates with Attached Disks, Keck Observatory technical Note No. 200, Berkeley, August 1986.
35. Mirror Deformations Due to Thermal Expansion of Inserts Bonded to Glass" (with B. iraninejad, T. Mast and J. Nelson), Keck Observatory Report No. 160, Berkeley, February 1987.
36. Investigations of Nonlinear Behavior of Concrete (with V. P. Panoskaltsis), Report No. UCB/SEMM-87/111, Department of Civil Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, berkeley, December 1987.
37. Thermal Deflections of Circular Multilayer Plate of Variable Thickness, Keck Observatory technical Note, May 1989.
38. A Simple Model of Generalized Plasticity, Report No. UCB/SEMM-90/04, Department of Civil engineering, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, May 1990.
39. Application of a Return Map Algorithm to Plasticity and Viscoplasticity Models (with F. auricchio and R. L. Taylor), Report No. UCB/SEMM-91/08, Department of Civil Engineering, university of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, November 1991.
40. An Anisotropic Damage Model for Fiber Composites (with A. Matzenmiller and R. L. Taylor), report No. UCB/SEMM-91/09, Department of Civil Engineering, University of California at berkeley, Berkeley, December 1991.
41. The Modified Kuhn Model of Linear Viscoelasticity (with V. P. Panoskaltsis), Report No. UCB/SEMM-92/01, Department of Civil Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, berkeley, February 1992.
Conference and Symposium Proceedings
1. "La théorie des dislocations, base de la plasticité" (Chapter I) and "Propagation d'ondes plastiques dans une tige" (Chapter VII), Séminaire de Plasticité (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, 1961), ed. J. mandel, Publications Scientifiques et Techniques du Ministère de l'Air, No. N.T. 116, Paris, 1962.
C. Books
1. Plasticity Theory, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1990.
D. Book chapters
1. "La mampostería - tratamiento como compuesto homogeneizado" (with S. Oller and J. López), chapter 12 in Análisis y cálculo de estructuras de materiales compuestos (ed. S. Oller), Centro internacional de Métodos Numéricos en Ingeniería (Barcelona), 2002.