CE 232 : Structural Mechanics
Expanded Course Description
The goal of this course is to give an advanced view of different theories
of structural mechanics in the framework of nonlinear solid mechanics.
To that purpose, the course is divided in three parts:
The first part of the course will concentrate on some specific aspects of
finite strain theories of solids. Concepts like nonlinear measures
of strain and Piola-Kirchhoff stresses will be introduced to arrive at the
fundamental concept of invariance in mechanics. Finite elasticity will be
taken as a model theory with this property. (No prior knowledge of nonlinear
solid mechanics is required. Only a prior contact with the concepts of infinitesimal
strain and stress tensors and equilibrium equations will be assumed.)
Next, energy principles will be discussed in detail, starting with the
infinitesimal range.
Concepts like the principle of virtual work as well as
potential and complementary energies in the elastic case
will be studied. Extensions to the finite strain elastic theories described
in Part 1 will be undertaken next. The nonlinear energy
principles thus developed will allow the characterization of the
stability in elastic systems. The so-called energy criterion
of Lagrange-Dirichlet and its relation with Euler theory will be presented
in detail, with a discussion of bifurcation theory due to Koiter characterizing
limit and bifurcation points.
Extensions to non-conservative systems, including follower loads,
will also be discussed in the context of Lyapunov stability.
The concepts developed above will be applied to the understanding of
classical theories of structural mechanics. Linear classical beam theories
(Euler-Bernouilli and Timoshenko beams) will be derived from the 3D equilibrium
equations as well as from energy principles via the introduction of the appropriate
kinematic assumptions. Large-deflection theories of beam-columns will be similarly
developed, leading to the study of buckling of such members. Extensions including
torsional and inelastic buckling will be addressed. The same
program will be followed for plate theory. First, classical
linear plate theories (Kirchhoff and Reissner-Mindlin plates) will be derived
from equilibrium and energy considerations. Solution methods will be discussed,
including approximate solutions via energy methods. Large-deflection theories
(von Karman equations) will be presented, and examples of plate buckling will
be solved.
Finally, an introduction will be presented of invariant theories
of rods and shells, thus connecting with the general geometric framework
of nonlinear mechanics. The fundamental concepts behind Cosserat continua
will be introduced for the interested student to pursue as a research topic in the
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